OPAR - OPM Package ARchive

Browseable collection of plugins for the popular ticket system software Znuny and ((OTRS)) Community Edition.


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capeIT on 21 Oct 2013
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ITSM-CIAttributeCollection - provides additional CI-attributes.

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Usage Information

This package provides additional ITSM-CI-attributes for OTRS:ITSM, i.e. ITSMConfigurationManagement. Following you'll find a short documentation on the use and features of this extension.

Please read the PDF-documentation included in this package for more information.

Why not using VirtualFileSystem?

Virtual file system proved to be not suitable, since it builds some sort of directory path out of object-class and id. Thus it would require to know the CIs version ID before it's actually created. If this could be solved somehow, copying a CI with an attachment would also cause a copy of the attachment itself, which is not desirable from our point of view.

Autocomplete function for attribute types

  • behaves similar to customer user autocomplete function

  • applies to Queue-, Service-, CIclass-Reference, Users, CIACCustomerCompany and CustomerUserCompany

  • activation can be configured in SysConfig

(i) Use of the CI-Attribute "CIClassReference"

  • behaves similar to customer user attribute but refers to another config item of some CI-class

  • allows to automatically delete and create links to CIs of a referenced class

  • eases the configuration of assembled config items, which consist (in parts) of other config items without annoying manual link creation

  • attribute definition requires three additional attributes:

            ReferencedCIClassName or ReferencedCIClassID: defines the referenced CI-class
            ReferencedCIClassLinkType: defines the link type which should be used for automatic link creation and deletion, no link will be created if empty
            ReferencedCIClassLinkDirection: set to "Reverse" if you want to create a reverse link for directed link types (will only be relevant if ReferencedCIClassLinkType is set)
            ReferencedCIClassReferenceAttributeKey: defines the referenced attribute key which should be used as identifier during the import.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: The "Key" attribute has to be a UNIQUE name within the class definition!


        Key        => 'Location',
        Name       => 'Asset Location',
        Searchable => 1,
        Input => {
            Type                           => 'CIClassReference',
            ReferencedCIClassName          => 'Location',
            ReferencedCIClassLinkType      => 'Includes',
            ReferencedCIClassLinkDirection => 'Reverse',
            ReferencedCIClassReferenceAttributeKey => 'SerialNumber', 

(ii) Use of the CI-Attribute "ServiceReference"

  • behaves similar to customer user attribute but refers to a service

  • allows to automatically delete and create links to Services

  • attribute definition requires two additional attributes:

            ReferencedServiceLinkType: defines the link type which should be used for automatic link creation and deletion, no link will be created if empty
            ReferencedServiceLinkDirection: set to "Reverse" if you want to create a reverse link for directed link types (will only be relevant if ReferencedCIClassLinkType is set)
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: The "Key" attribute has to be a UNIQUE name within the class definition!


        Key        => 'AssignedService',
        Name       => 'Assigned Service',
        Searchable => 1,
        Input => {
            Type                            => 'ServiceReference',
            ReferencedServiceLinkType       => 'RelevantTo',
            ReferencedServiceLinkDirection  => 'Normal',

(iii) Use of the CI-Attribute "QueueReference"

  • behaves similar to customer user attribute but refers to a queue


        Key        => 'AssignedQueue',
        Name       => 'Assigned Queue',
        Searchable => 1,
        Input => {
            Type => 'QueueReference',

(iv) Use of the CI-Attribute "CIAttachment"

  • In contrast to standard OTRS CI-attachments, this attribute behaves much more like a common CI-attribute than the default CI-attachments (and had been there before standard attachments). Attachments are not limited to the maximum of 25 attachments, in fact you may define the number of allowed attachments and also make it a required attribute. Attachment files are bound to the version of a CI. Thus changing the attachment preserves it's previous version and causes the creation of a new CI-version.

  • see following SysConfig options for further configuration

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: The attributes CountMin and CountMax must always be defined! Otherwise you won't be able to delete attachments from CIs. If you set CountMin => 1, it will be impossible to delete the last attachment (the last n attachments for CountMin => n).

  • ADVICE: don't use this attribute in ITSMConfigItem Overview (KIX4OTRS or ITSMConfigItem::Frontend::AgentITSMConfigItem###ShowColumnsByClass)


        Key        => 'Attachment',
        Name       => 'Attachment',
        Searchable => 1,
        Input => {
            Size      => 50,
            MaxLength => 50,
            Type      => 'CIAttachment', 
        CountMin => 0,
        CountMax => 1,

(v) Use of the CI-Attribute "User"

  • behaves similar to customer user attribute but refers to a user/agent


        Key        => 'Responsible',
        Name       => 'Responsible',
        Searchable => 1,
        Input => {
            Type => 'User',


(vi) Use of the CI-Attribute "CustomerUserCompany"

  • behaves similar to customer user attribute but refers to a CustomerCompany

  • look up in all CustomerDatas for CustomerCompany


        Key        => 'CustomerUserCompany',
        Name       => 'CustomerUserCompany',
        Searchable => 1,
        Input => {
            Type => 'CustomerUserCompany',


(vii) Use of the CI-Attribute "CIACCustomerCompany" (f.k.a. "CustomerCompany")

  • behaves similar to customer user attribute but refers to a Customer Company

  • look up in CustomerCompany-Backend

  • attribute type renamed in r2.0.1 from "CustomerCompany" to "CIACCustomerCompany", since OTRS::ITSM 3.1.6 introduced a similar attribute type


        Key        => 'CustomerCompany',
        Name       => 'CustomerCompany',
        Searchable => 1,
        Input => {
            Type => 'CIACCustomerCompany',

(viii) Use of the CI-Attribute "EncryptedText"

  • allows to deposite passwords

  • change and display of password only possible for the configured groups


         Key   => 'Password', 
         Name  => 'Password',
         Group => { 
                 admin => 1, 
                 groupname => 1, 
         Input => { 
             Type      => 'EncryptedText', 
             Size      => 50, 
             MaxLength => 100, 

(ix) Use of the CI-Attribute "LinkText"

  • allows to define a text that should be used in a configured link

  • attribute URL must be defined and should contain the phrase "<VALUE>" which will be replaced with the given content

  • this can be used to easily provide links to system monitoring tools or printer management interfaces

  • ADVICE: don't use this attribute in ITSMConfigItem Overview (KIX4OTRS or ITSMConfigItem::Frontend::AgentITSMConfigItem###ShowColumnsByClass)


        Key        => 'TextLink',
        Name       => 'Text Link',
        Searchable => 1,
        Input => {
            Type      => 'TextLink',
            Size      => 50,
            MaxLength => 100,
            URL       => 'http://www.example.com/<VALUE>',

(x) Use of the CI-Attribute "DynamicField"

  • allows to use values of dynamic fields in config items


        Key => 'Impact',
        Name => 'Impact',
        Searchable => 1,
        Input => {
            Type => 'DynamicField',
            Name => 'TicketFreeText14',
            Translation =>1,


Copyright (C) 2006-2013 c.a.p.e. IT GmbH, http://www.cape-it.de/

The following persons have contributed to this extension:

  • Torsten(dot)Thau(at)cape(dash)it(dot)de

  • Martin(dot)Balzarek(at)cape(dash)it(dot)de

  • Frank(dot)Oberender(at)cape(dash)it(dot)de

  • Anna(dot)Litvinova(at)cape(dash)it(dot)de

  • Stefan(dot)Mehlig(at)cape(dash)it(dot)de

This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see the enclosed file COPYING for license information (AGPL). If you did not receive this file, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt.