OPAR - OPM Package ARchive

Browseable collection of plugins for the popular ticket system software Znuny and ((OTRS)) Community Edition.


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6.0.6, 6.0.6, 6.0.7, 7.0.1,
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reneeb on 03 Mar 2016
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A module that adds own product news to OTRS.

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ProductNews - Show news about the product on the Dashboard


If you have news about your product or any other message that all agents of your OTRS system should know about, you can use ProductNews to handle this.

With this extension a new dashboard widget is created and administrators can add news.

As of version 4.0.4, all users can create news and admin and the news author can edit them. Now it is possible to show news in other views as well: AgentTicketZoom, AgentTicketPhone, AgentTicketEmail.


The code repository and a bugtracker is available at http://github.com/reneeb/otrs-ProductNews.


Torsten Thau, c.a.p.e IT (http://cape-it.de)

 * Made it ready for OTRS 3.3
 * Inlineediting

Oberender Frank, c.a.p.e IT (http://cape-it.de)

 * visbility in Customer-Frontend and on Login-Screens


Renee Baecker, http://perl-services.de

This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see the enclosed file COPYING for license information (AGPL). If you did not receive this file, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt.


seberget (guest) on 17 Sep 2014 about version 3.3.1

Could you please change your SQL on line 317 to read SQL => "SELECT id, teaser FROM product_news $Where ORDER BY create_time", so that the news are shown with the latest news on top? Basically we would like to see the news the way it is displayed for news from OTRS. If this is added I'll change my rating :-)

Ant (guest) on 24 Nov 2014 about version 3.3.1

OTRS-3.3.8 Debian Postgre 9.1. 1. often don't responce to the click news; 2. there are some row in ZZZAuto.pm after uninstall 3. need sort news by date create English don't my native language))))

tangro (guest) on 09 Apr 2021 about version 6.0.6

I used the feature under Znuny LTS. If you click on a news item in the customer view under CustomerTicketOverwiew and the "pop-up" opens, the CSS file is pulled from the "agent" for the .WidgetSimple and the HeaderLogo. For example, the .WidgetSimple is pulled from .../skins/Agent/deafut/css/Core.Widget.css. Could this possibly be adjusted so that in the customer view also only the CSS file under .../skins/Customer/.. are loaded ?