OPAR - OPM Package ARchive

Browseable collection of plugins for the popular ticket system software Znuny and ((OTRS)) Community Edition.


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6.0.4, 6.0.5, 6.0.6, 6.0.7, 6.0.8, 7.0.1,
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reneeb on 31 Jan 2016
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Change ticket owners easily

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QuickOwnerChange - change the ticket owner quickly


With this addon you get a dropdown in the ticket zoom and ticket overview that makes it possible to change the owner with two clicks...


Fortunately, some features were sponsored by companies:

  • HYDRO Systems

    HYDRO Systems KG http://www.hydro.aero/ sponsored the feature that the responsible can be set as well (the same Agent as the owner). Another feature sponsored by HYDRO: You can define a group to limit the possible owner to members of this group. And you can define such a group for each queue.


This package was written by Renee Baecker <otrs@perl-services.de>.

The package is licensed unter AGPL. If you did not receive this file, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt.


Labasus (guest) on 16 Sep 2015 about version 4.0.1

Needs some improvements in Large ticket view - Then trying to change owner from the dropdown menu, it just zooms into the ticket.

Labasus (guest) on 17 Sep 2015 about version 4.0.1

After using QuickOwner - ticket is still unlocked, rather then using original ChangeOwner - ticket locks normaly.

Patrick (guest) on 12 Jan 2016 about version 4.0.1

Wird's eine Unterstützung für Version 5 von OTRS geben ?

Daniel (guest) on 15 Jan 2016 about version 4.0.1

Manfred Heubach (guest) on 16 Nov 2016 about version 5.0.7

Hi, QuickOwnerChange is just perfect. But I'd like to have the same functionality for the ticket responsible.(in a second drop down, because responsible and owner normally is not the same) Best regards Manfred Heubach