OPAR - OPM Package ARchive

Browseable collection of plugins for the popular ticket system software Znuny and ((OTRS)) Community Edition.


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capeIT on 27 Jun 2012
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ITSM-CIAttributeCollection - provides additional CI-attributes.

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Usage Information

This version does not require the OTRS-extensions package KIX4OTRS anymore but needs to place a modification in a file contained in ITSMConfigurationManagement. Thus this file will be modified.

This package provides additional ITSM-CI-attributes for OTRS:ITSM, i.e. ITSMConfigurationManagement. Following you'll find a short documentation on the use and features of this extension.

Why a new attachment storage rather than using VirtualFileSystem

Virtual file system proved to be not suitable, since it builds some sort of directory path out of object-class and id. Thus it would require to know the CIs version ID before it's actually created. If this could be solved somehow, copying a CI with an attachment would also cause a copy of the attachment itself, which is not desirable from our point of view.

(i) Use of the CI-Attribute "CIClassReference"

  • behaves similar to customer user attribute but refers to another config item of some CI-class

  • allows to automatically delete and create links to CIs of a referenced class

  • eases the configuration of assembled config items, which consist (in parts) of other config items without annoying manual link creation

  • attribute definition requires three additional attributes:

            ReferencedCIClassName or ReferencedCIClassID: defines the referenced CI-class
            ReferencedCIClassLinkType: defines the link type which should be used for automatic link creation and deletion, no link will be created if empty
            ReferencedCIClassLinkDirection: set to "Reverse" if you want to create a reverse link for directed link types (will only be relevant if ReferencedCIClassLinkType is set)
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: The "Key" attribute has to be a UNIQUE name within the class definition!


       Key        => 'Location',
       Name       => 'Asset Location',
       Searchable => 1,
       Input => {
           Type                           => 'CIClassReference',
           ReferencedCIClassName          => 'Location',
           ReferencedCIClassLinkType      => 'Includes',
           ReferencedCIClassLinkDirection => 'Reverse',

(ii) Use of the CI-Attribute "ServiceReference"

  • behaves similar to customer user attribute but refers to a service

  • allows to automatically delete and create links to Services

  • attribute definition requires two additional attributes:

            ReferencedServiceLinkType: defines the link type which should be used for automatic link creation and deletion, no link will be created if empty
            ReferencedServiceLinkDirection: set to "Reverse" if you want to create a reverse link for directed link types (will only be relevant if ReferencedCIClassLinkType is set)
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: The "Key" attribute has to be a UNIQUE name within the class definition!


       Key        => 'AssignedService',
       Name       => 'Assigned Service',
       Searchable => 1,
       Input => {
           Type                            => 'ServiceReference',
           ReferencedServiceLinkType       => 'RelevantTo',
           ReferencedServiceLinkDirection  => 'Normal',

(iii) Use of the CI-Attribute "QueueReference"

  • behaves similar to customer user attribute but refers to a queue


       Key        => 'AssignedQueue',
       Name       => 'Assigned Queue',
       Searchable => 1,
       Input => {
           Type => 'QueueReference',

(iv) Autocomplete function for attribute types queue, service, CIclass, Users, CustomerCompany and CustomerUserCompany

  • behaves similar to customer user autocomplete function

  • activation can be configured in SysConfig * ITSMCIAttributeCollection::Frontend::CommonSearchAutoComplete

  • further configuration in SysConfig

  • further informations to CustomerCompany and CustomerUserCompany

          * CustomerCompanySearch uses CustomerCompany-Table as search base
          * CustomerUserCompanySearch uses CustomerIDs from CustomerData as search base; 

(v) Use of the CI-Attribute "CIAttachment"

  • allows to add one or more attachments to a ConfigItem

  • see following SysConfig options for further configuration AttachmentStorage::StorageBackendModules AttachmentStorage::DefaultStorageBackendModule Frontend::Module###AgentAttachmentStorage AttachmentStorageFS::StorageDirectory

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: The attributes CountMin and CountMax must always be defined! Otherwise you won't be able to delete attachments from CIs. If you set CountMin => 1, it will be impossible to delete the last attachment (the last n attachments for CountMin => n).


       Key        => 'Attachment',
       Name       => 'Attachment',
       Searchable => 1,
       Input => {
           Size      => 50,
           MaxLength => 50,
           Type      => 'CIAttachment', 
       CountMin => 0,
       CountMax => 1,

(vi) Use of the CI-Attribute "User"

  • behaves similar to customer user attribute but refers to a user/agent


       Key        => 'Responsible',
       Name       => 'Responsible',
       Searchable => 1,
       Input => {
           Type => 'User',


(vii) Use of the CI-Attribute "CustomerUserCompany"

  • behaves similar to customer user attribute but refers to a CustomerCompany * looks in all CustomerDatas for CustomerCompany


        Key        => 'CustomerUserCompany',
        Name       => 'CustomerUserCompany',
        Searchable => 1,
        Input => {
            Type => 'CustomerUserCompany',


(viii) Use of the CI-Attribute "CustomerCompany"

  • behaves similar to customer user attribute but refers to a user/agent * looks in CustomerCompany-Table for CustomerCompany


        Key        => 'CustomerCompany',
        Name       => 'CustomerCompany',
        Searchable => 1,
        Input => {
            Type => 'CustomerCompany',

(ix) Use of the CI-Attribute "EncryptedText"

  • allows to deposite passwords * change and display of password only possible for the configured groups


         Key   => 'Password', 
         Name  => 'Password',
         Group => { 
                 admin => 1, 
                 groupname => 1, 
         Input => { 
             Type      => 'EncryptedText', 
             Size      => 50, 
             MaxLength => 100, 

(ix) Use of the CI-Attribute "LinkText"

  • allows to define a text that should be used in a configured link * attribute URL must be defined and should contain the phrase "<VALUE>" which will be replaced with the given content * this can be used to easily provide links to system monitoring tools or printer management interfaces


        Key        => 'TextLink',
        Name       => 'Text Link',
        Searchable => 1,
        Input => {
            Type      => 'TextLink',
            Size      => 50,
            MaxLength => 100,
            URL       => 'http://www.example.com/<VALUE>',


Copyright (C) 2006-2012 c.a.p.e. IT GmbH, http://www.cape-it.de/

The following persons have contributed to this extension:

  • Torsten(dot)Thau(at)cape(dash)it(dot)de

  • Martin(dot)Balzarek(at)cape(dash)it(dot)de

  • Frank(dot)Oberender(at)cape(dash)it(dot)de

  • Anna(dot)Litvinova(at)cape(dash)it(dot)de

  • Stefan(dot)Mehlig(at)cape(dash)it(dot)de

This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see the enclosed file COPYING for license information (AGPL). If you did not receive this file, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt.