Browseable collection of plugins for the popular ticket system software Znuny and ((OTRS)) Community Edition.
The ResponseDefaultState addon adds default next ticket states to response templates.
This addon is compatible with OTRS 6 and all Znuny versions up to version 6.4.x. For OTRS 5 use the version 5.1.0 of this addon.
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Skullz (guest) on 03 Nov 2021 about version 6.1.1
Error timezone in system log if current user did not set his time zone. Thus the Timezone value should be take from default time zone if user didnt set his time zone. my %Preferences = $UserObject->GetPreferences( UserID => $Self->{UserID}, ); #Returns the time zone set as default in SysConfig UserDefaultTimeZone for existing users without time zone setting if (!$Preferences{UserTimeZone}) { $Preferences{UserTimeZone} = Kernel::System::DateTime->UserDefaultTimeZoneGet(); }